What is Permanent Cosmetic Tattooing?

Permanent Cosmetic Tattooing is a cosmetic technique that produces designs that resemble makeup. Implementing colours of the client’s choice to enhance features and create highly defined Eyebrows, Eyes or Lips with high quality cosmetic pigments to resemble a makeup like effect.

A sterile single use needle will be inserted underneath the upper layers of the skin to deposit pigmented granules. All pigments used are hypo-allergic which is less likely to cause reactions or bleeding although all tattoo’s carry the inherent risk of infection and/or allergic reactions.

Do I need a Patch Test?

Patch tests are required prior to a Permanent Cosmetic Tattoo appointment to ensure that you’re not allergic to the pigment that will be implemented into your skin. 

Patch tests can be posted out to clients at a distance.

It is important to understand that there are traces of nickel in some needles and this can also cause an immediate or delayed reaction.

The patch test performed will not always confirm or determine conclusively if you will have a metal allergy or a reaction to the pigment or ink being used for treatment. A negative allergy test result will not guarantee that you will not have an allergic reaction.

Please note it is the client’s responsibility to book a patch test prior to a Permanent Cosmetic Tattoo appointment.

Waivers are at client’s discretion and client will be liable. (Please see below in relation to Skin Conditions & Sensitivity)

How long does Permanent Cosmetic Tattooing last?

The results of Permanent Cosmetic tattooing can vary from person to person as there are various different factors which can affect the results of your Permanent Cosmetic Tattoo. 

Medication, skin type, sun beds, diet, sun exposure, lifestyle, colour of pigment chosen by the client, day to day products used on the face, exercise regime and swimming in chlorinated water are a few of many factors that can alter your Permanent Cosmetic Tattoo. 

There is no exact age limitation to the longevity of how long your Permanent Cosmetic Tattoo can last in the skin, on rare occasions pigment may migrate under the skin.

How long does the appointment take?

Please ensure you allow enough time for your Permanent Cosmetic Tattoo appointment. 

We recommend 3 hours as this will include numbing, completing your consultation and consultation form, paperwork, colour testing, shaping, drawing, decision making and the tattoo procedure itself. 

Can I bring someone to my Permanent Cosmetic Tattoo Appointment?

We ask that only 1 person over the age of 18 comes with you to your appointment and remains seated in the waiting area throughout your appointment and does not enter the treatment room due to the nature of the treatment. 

We kindly ask that no children or anyone under the age of 18 attends your Permanent Cosmetic Tattoo Appointment due to strict insurance guidelines. Failure to comply client will be responsible and liable.

Will they scab?

Scabbing is normal after PCT and some may flake in light or thick scabs this will vary from person to person as everybody is different and can last between 7-14 days

However heavy scabbing is more likely due to improper cleaning during the early healing stages of your PCT.

If water, excess sebum or sweat comes into contact with your Permanent Cosmetic Tattoo whilst they are in the first 7-14 days of healing, without being cleaned the wound will expand and a scab will form as moisture has been trapped. 

By cleaning the treated area frequently, you can prevent the build-up.

Is a Top Up required?

It is vital to understand Permanent Cosmetic Tattooing requires a touch up appointment 4-6 weeks after your initial appointment as it is highly common for the first session to heal patchy, the follow up procedure allows for this to be touched up.

Top ups are charged at a separate cost and is the responsibility of the client to book. 

Permanent Cosmetic Tattooing in some cases will require multiple sessions to achieve the desired result this will vary from person to person, However this will be discussed in your initial consultation and would depend on the desired outcome of the client. Please be sure to bare this in mind prior to booking a Permanent Cosmetic Tattoo appointment as in some cases this can lead to undesirable results if not followed as advised. 

The treatment will be deemed incomplete and the client will be liable. 

Top Ups for completed treatments also known as colour boosts are dependant on the style of treatment selected, the client’s skin, lifestyle and long-term care of the tattoo. 

We recommend Top Ups between 1-3 years for completed treatments. 

Reasons why your PCT may need colour boosting more often:

  • Use of vitamin A
  • Skin type
  • Frequent exercise 
  • Swimming in chlorinated pools regularly 
  • Not using sunscreen and not wearing sunglasses
  • Light pigment colour selected 
  • Lifestyle
How long does it take to heal?

Permanent Cosmetic Tattooing has a healing timeframe 4-8 weeks for the colour to settle and completely heal.

  • Initial Healing: Bruising, Soreness & Tenderness 1-7 Days
  • Flaking, Scabbing and Peeling 7-14 Days It is normal for flaking to come off unevenly similar to sunburn 
  • Settling of Pigment Colour 14-21 Days
  • Final Healing 4-6 Weeks
  • Touch Up Appointment 4-8 Weeks
  • Long-term 3-6 Months Treatment may look healed as itching and redness should have subsided by this point. It is advised to continue with aftercare.

Aftercare ointment is provided and will need to be applied twice a day in a very thin layer always using a new and clean cotton bud each time the ointment is used. Hands must be washed and clean before application of the ointment to prevent cross contamination. 

In some cases, it can take as long as 6 months for the skin below a tattoo to truly heal. Skin around the tattoo can take longer to recover and certain factors, like picking, rubbing or scratching the scabs, not moisturizing correctly, forgoing SPF, or using a lotion with fragrances or alcohol may slow down the process.

Long-term care for a tattoo includes, wearing sun-protective clothing, SPF, staying hydrated, keeping the tattoo clean and away from harm.

Do you draw the shape on first for the client to see?

Yes! Don’t be alarmed the whole step of the way you are involved in the outcome of your Permanent Cosmetic Tattoo appointment. 

Your face shape will be measured with a disposable brow ruler which is used to determine the different points and angles of the client’s face. A Fibonacci Gauge is also used to make accurate markings with a sterile surgical pen before drawing a frame of the brow to create a shape followed by a Caliper to confirm all markings are accurate. 

For lips we use a Caliper and mapping string.

Once the selected treatment is drawn out it will be shown to the client with a hand held mirror and also on a wall mirror for the client to consider. The treatment room contains artificial lighting so we do also recommend the client to look thoroughly through the shape in natural daylight.

Please note at this stage the client is under no obligation to proceed until they are happy with the outcome of the mapping stage, and is 100% able to reconsider the choice of the chosen treatment and make a decision to not proceed if desired. 

The Permanent Cosmetic Tattoo process will not begin without the client’s confirmation of the drawn shape and agreement to proceed with the treatment.

We use high quality pigments and cosmetic inks that are hypo-allergenic and use sterilized needles for single use only.

Is there anything I should avoid prior to my Permanent Cosmetic Tattoo appointment?
  • Waxing or Tweezing
  • Anti-inflammatory medication
  • Medication: Please check with a medical professional that this will not interfere with any planned treatment
  • Eyebrow Tinting, Threading and Lamination 
  • Sunbeds, Sunbathing, Spray & Instant Tanning
  • Fillers and Botox treatments should be carried out after your Permanent Cosmetic Tattoo appointment and not before 
  • Avoid the following supplements: Fish oil, ginseng, green tea, red clover, biloba and vitamin E
  • Do not drink alcohol 24 hours prior as alcohol has anti-platelet effects and increases your chances of bruising and bleeding
  • Exercise
  • Caffeine: Tea, coffee and carbonated drinks as this can increase blood pressure 
  • Facial treatments of all kinds: Skin peels, hydra-facials, dermaplaning 

If you a completing a course of antibiotics or on medication and are considering booking a PCT appointment please refer to medical ailments listed below. 

What aftercare is involved?

After a Permanent Cosmetic Tattoo procedure whether Lip Blush, Eyebrows or Eyeliner you will experience similar side effects after the treatment, which usually includes swelling, scabbing, tenderness, bruising and redness. 

You can expect side effects to last for up to 2 weeks. Though this is entirely normal, you should contact a medical professional if they persist for longer than the timescales mentioned.

Immediately after your Permanent Cosmetic Tattoo procedure there may be a small amount of lymphatic fluid and blood present in the treated area resembling a graze. 

Aftercare ointment is provided for the client to use as a moisturiser on the treated area, and is to be applied twice a day. 

The area must be kept clean at all times during the healing period. Tiny scabs will form as the treated area starts to dry out which at this stage, it is important for the client to ensure these scabs are not picked, rubbed or peeled prematurely and is left to flake off on its own accord.

If scabs are pulled prematurely not only can this increase the risk of infection, the implemented pigment will be pulled along with the scab which can not only cause patching and unevenness it can also lead to an undesirable result of the treatment performed in which client will be liable.

Keeping the treated area clean and free from fragranced products and cosmetics is an absolute must after a Permanent Cosmetic Tattoo appointment as any form of product to the skin risks a reaction against the pigment causing an infection. By adhering to the correct aftercare not only could this be avoided this will also allow the skin to repair itself and maximise optimal results.

The success of aftercare is all down to the client. It is vital that the correct aftercare provided below is followed, to allow the treatment area to heal disruption free. In which you will heal with no experience of infection, irritation or scarring. 

  • Limit showers and baths
  • Keep hair pinned back away from the treated area
  • Swimming or sauna
  • SPF must be worn on all permanent cosmetic tattoo
  • Sleep on a clean pillowcase (We recommend Silk Pillowcases)
  • Avoid perfumes and cosmetic products – Includes both Makeup & Skincare
  • Avoid heavy exercise
  • Keep the freshly treated area dry and out of contact with water for 7-10 days
  • Avoid sun exposure: Sun exposure will fade your tattoo especially if its fresh and can lead to burning layers of the tattoo causing discolouration to the pigment, burns to the tattoo and undesired results 

Excessive sunbed use will lead to undesired results we recommend avoiding excessive use. However excessive sunbed use after treatment is at clients discretion and client will be liable for unsatisfactory results.

  • Do not pick, peel, rub or scratch the treated area
  • Ease swelling with a cold pack compress – Avoid refrigerated compresses as freezing temperatures to skin that is already delicate can cause skin complications due to frost damage, Please also ensure the compress used is single use to avoid the risk of spreading bacteria to the treatment area.
  • Drink through a straw and use cutlery to avoid contact with the lips when eating
  • Avoid lip products that have chemicals as this can dry out the lips and increase the chance of spreading bacteria and causing an infection
  • Do not apply Vaseline to the treated area 
  • Head back when washing your hair 
  • Eyeliner – No eyelash extenstions, lvl or tint to the treated area prior to your Permanent Cosmetic Tattoo appointment and 4-6 weeks after treatment
  • Do not take aspirin or ibruprofen
Who is not suitable for Permanent Cosmetic Tattooing?

A full in-depth consultation form is completed prior to treatment outlining the restrictions that we will not perform under however please find a list of medical ailments listed below:

Under no circumstance can we perform treatment with the following conditions listed below. Please read the following clearly and book with honesty as this can compromise your PCT results and lead to undesirable outcomes in which the client will be liable for failing to disclose the following conditions prior to treatment.

By proceeding to book an appointment you have confirmed you do not have the following listed below. 

Please note our Terms & Conditions are a legally enforceable contract and by booking an appointment you have agreed with intent to accept makeupbysholaa booking terms. Failure to disclose the following will be classed as a falsified medical disclosure under contract law and client will be liable. 

Permanent Cosmetic Tattooing is not suitable for the following:

  • Pregnant / Breastfeeding
  • Taking Blood Thinners / Steroids / Anti-Coagulants
  • Steroids or Steroid creams which causes thinning of the skin: Using topical steroids, Cortisone, Retin-A, Accutane (Or have done in the past 6 months)
  • Transmittable Blood Infections HIV, HERPATITIS B & C, MALARIA, SYPHILIS, BRUCELLOSIS
  • Auto-Immune Disease 
  • Thin or Fragile skin
  • Moles
  • Keloids or Hypertrophic Scarring
  • Eye infections: Conjunctivitis, Styes
  • Ongoing skin conditions: Flare ups 
  • Skin Conditions: Eczema, Dermatitis, Impetigo, Acne, Blisters, Psoriasis, Hives, Rash 
  • Metal allergies 
  • Healing Disorders
  • Glaucoma
  • Chronic Skin Conditions 
  • Booking off impulse 
  • Under the age of 18 – In event false identification is shown or client proceeds to book an appointment with falsified information client will be held responsible and will be liable.
  • Coumadin or Heparin
  • Prone to Hyperpigmentation
  • Undergoing Radiation or Chemo
  • Have had previous allergic reactions in the past not subject to Beauty & PCT
  • Allergies to Tint, Makeup, Pigment, Jewellery
  • Allergic Asthma 
  • Sensitive Skin and or prone to skin Inflammation, Irritation and Discolouration
  • Epileptic
  • Diabetics
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Haemophiliacs
  • Cold Sores – Please reschedule your appointment
  • Cold OR Flu – Please reschedule your appointment

If you are unsure if your condition is suitable for a Permanent Cosmetic Tattoo procedure, we require you to seek a medical professional and provide written approval from a medical professional prior to your Permanent Cosmetic Tattoo appointment.

We also ask you consult a medical professional prior to booking a Permanent Cosmetic Tattoo procedure to ensure it will not interfere with any planned treatment. 

It is important to be 100% certain prior to booking a Permanent Cosmetic Tattoo procedure and we advise you to consider this thoroughly before going ahead with treatment. As by booking an appointment with makeupbysholaa you have accepted the terms & conditions of our legally binding contract.